Monday, July 13, 2009

Get Running ! No More Excuses !

Guest Post by Heather Gannoe a running mommy and blogger of
She is also part of our Virtual Running Group on Twitter #momsrunning; you can find her on twitter at @runfastermommy

Get Running! No More Excuses!

If I had a dollar for every time I heard an excuse from a mom regarding exercise, I'd be rich. I'd be blogging right now on my diamond encrusted laptop from a yacht in the islands. Alright, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but I hear it all too often.

"It must be nice to have all that free time."
"I hate/cant' afford the gym"
"My kids aren't in school, and husband works full time"
"I can't afford a treadmill"
"I'm just too tired after work, bath time, then bedtime"

I could go on and on. Moms, I'm here to tell you that your excuses are LAME-O! News flash: MOST running moms are average moms, JUST LIKE YOU! They are not elite athletes paid to train all day. Instead, they work full time jobs. They have a house full of chores, dishes, and laundry. A husband and kids to feed, clean up after, chase, and answer every beckon call. Bills to pay, carpools to run, soccer games to attend. But the one thing these moms have that others don't isn't something you can buy in a store. It's called MOTIVATION! And you can have some too! You just have to start, which is essentially the hardest part. There is a saying that it takes 21 days to start a new habit. You may hate it today, but I promise at the end of 21 days you too can look forward to your workouts, and have that motivation!

Before you start rolling your eyes at me, let me tell you this: out of the 21 races I've done in my very short running career, all but 3 were done after I had kids. I'm currently training for my third full marathon. Believe me, I'm no stranger to the demands of motherhood. My partner and I both work 5 days a week (but never have the same day off), and we work opposite shifts as to avoid daycare costs. Meaning, the second I come home from work, he goes into work. I alternate working with going to college full time pursuing my bachelors degree. And I toss into this mix, two beautiful little boys, a quickly approaching 3 year old, and a 9 month old. Oh and that house full of housework! Life is chaotic, but I have found the one thing that keeps mommy happy and healthy: running.

I think once we become mothers, we develop a sixth sense. Not the one where you can sense your child about to throw his bowl of cheerios across the room even though you aren't actually looking at him (otherwise known as "eyes in the back of the head"). No the other sixth sense: creativity! When it comes to working out with kids, you need to be creative. There is absolutely no reason you need to spend hours on an elliptical machine in a sweaty gym while your kids cry in the gym daycare! Here are some suggestions for you:

-Two Words: Jogging Stroller. An amazing invention! And my kids just LOVE running with mommy!

-Find company. Or just trade! Are you a part of a local mommy group, or do you have mommy friends? I'd be willing to be there are other moms in the same situation as you, and don't know where or how to start. Suggest making a "workout" play date. Put those babies in the strollers and go for a walk or a run! Stop every so often to do some lunges, squats, crunches, etc. Or, follow a beginner training program for running, such as the Galloway method or couch-to-5k. The company will keep you motivated and prevent you from skipping out on the workout. Or, swap babysitting while you or your mommy friend hits the gym/goes for a run/etc.

One of my running mommy friends had the most amazing suggestion that we have recently put into action. Both of us wanted to get in some speed work as a part of marathon training, but didn't really have the time without the kids. So she suggested that we meet at the local (fenced in!) track, with all of the kids, and plenty of outdoor toys! We take turns: while one is running her laps, the other keeps on eye on the kids. Then, while the first mom is on her "recovery" break, she is in charge of watching the kids while the second gets in her run.

-Kids too big for a jog stroller? Let them go for a bike ride! They can ride along side of you while you run. Or, go for a bike ride with them!

-Just get outdoors...walking the dog, hiking, kayaking, canoeing, a game of soccer at the park, set up an obstacle course, do some hanging pull-ups on the jungle gym or some step-ups on the park bench. Anything can be kid and family friendly!

-For those who would love to workout kid-free: re-evaluate your day. I HATE mornings,especially the "waking up" part, but getting in that long run at 5:00/6:00 a.m. while the hubby and kids are still sleeping starts my day off in the BEST way! If mornings aren't an option, how about your lunch break?

-If you have at least an hour, you can easily squeeze in a 20 minute workout, shower, and still grab your lunch with time to spare. Do a workout video while your kids are napping or playing quietly. Videos these days are not the leotard wearing dancing/stepping routines they used to be. There are some amazing workouts out there! Putting the laundry pile aside a few days a week isn't going to be the end of the world. I promise. You deserve the time!

When it comes to the time and money spent on my running, I remind myself of this: Even though I always put my family first, I am still an important, deserving part of this family. It is just as ok for me to take some "me" time, as it is ok for hubby to take some "him" time to watch the football game on T.V. (see where I'm going with this?). It's all about compromise!

People always ask me what my "secret" is. The secret is: You Have To Believe In Yourself! You have to WANT this for you, because YOU are the only one who is going to get out there and do it! Exercising and being fit is so much more than fitting into those sexy jeans (although that is always a great bonus!) The most important part of all of this is the example you are setting for your children. In our society today, obesity is an epidemic, and inactivity is all too common. The best way to teach your kids to live a healthy, active lifestyle is to lead by example. And giving your kids the gift of having a happy, healthy, active mom? PRICELESS!

"My name is Heather, and I'm one of those "crazy running moms". A toddler (two and a half) and a baby boy (eight months), and their handsome daddy have stolen my heart, they are my everything."

"Running keeps me sane in the chaos that is my life (but I wouldn't trade this life for the world!) . In fact, it's pretty much an obsession (most runners would agree). Somehow, I've gained quite the competitive streak within myself, and I'm now trying to "go faster". My most current goal is a Boston qualifying time...that is, if I can squeeze the training in with a jog stroller"

Check out Heathe's Blog at:

She is also part of our Virtual Running Group on Twitter #momsrunning;
you can find her on twitter at @runfastermommy


Amy said...

Nice post! I especially love this one on the list of excuses: "It must be nice to have all that free time." As if you run because you're looking to kill time! Kids or no kids, this is the grown-up equivalent of a playground bully talking trash to feel better about himself. If someone else's running habits make you feel inferior, how about going out for a run rather than dissing me about mine? Just sayin' ...

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful post. This is how I feel now. I am training for a full marathon in November and I just felt like I didn't have any reason not to do it. I am not planning on getting pregnant any time soon. My second baby is 4 months.

As much I hate mornings, this has been the best time for me to run. Here in Texas, it gets over a 100 degrees during the day, so morning is the coolest time of the day and it works best for my kids/husband schedule. When I get back from my run it is my husband's turn to go out and run.

Mom2Amara said...

I love that you say that most running moms are average moms! It's so true. I admire all the moms that can get out there and run. Because a healthy mommy is a better mommy! I'm no thin gal, but running does not discriminate. Any mom can do it. And that's what makes it such a wonderful sport!

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New Runner

My Running Goals

~ I want to run a 5K by end of September 2009
~ I want to run a 10K by end of the year 2009
~ I want to run a 10K in the Spring 2010
~ I want to run a 10 Miler in the Summer 2010
~ I want to run a Half Marathon by my 39th B-day by November 8th, 2010
~ I want to run the Detroit Free Press October Marathon by the time I am 40 years old in 2011.
~To Celebrate my 40th Birthday I want to go to New York and run the New York City November Marathon


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