Thursday, July 23, 2009

Running Log - Ran 36:06 Today

Running Log
Thursday, July 24, 2009

I ran 36:06 today. We are out of town at a friend's house and I put my running gear on and just went out and ran. I just walked out her door and ran up and down her street (because I wasn't familiar with her neighborhood). The street had mild up and down hills - even with a mild incline I could feel the difference. I haven't been out running in over a week! I was blindsided by an illness that had me in bed for 4 days! When is that last time I was sick? I usually only get sick once a year or less. I was fine being in bed first 2 days because I was too sick to care. Then day 3 I got out of bed for a few hours and overdid it and was right back.

I was super bummed that I had either ran or played some serious sweaty tennis for 8 days in a row before illness and feel like I lost most of what I gained in that time. But you know what? That is Life! Things are going to come up in life unexpectedly and knock us off our feet and we have to get back up again. We can't give up 'cause of all of life's interferences and happenings.

So, I am so glad I got back on the horse again. I have been booked non-stop with client work while I am in the Metro Detroit area and will not be able to come up to breathe until Monday morning. I so hope I can squeeze in another run before Monday!

Happy Running!


Mom2Amara said...

You go girl! Going out for a run while out of town is a huge accomplishment! And to go for a run after being sick? That's a big step! No pun intended :)

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New Runner

My Running Goals

~ I want to run a 5K by end of September 2009
~ I want to run a 10K by end of the year 2009
~ I want to run a 10K in the Spring 2010
~ I want to run a 10 Miler in the Summer 2010
~ I want to run a Half Marathon by my 39th B-day by November 8th, 2010
~ I want to run the Detroit Free Press October Marathon by the time I am 40 years old in 2011.
~To Celebrate my 40th Birthday I want to go to New York and run the New York City November Marathon


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